A downloadable project

Short story of a Robot Legion hierarch having doubts of the methods of their fight against organic life. Perhaps there is another way? 

Inspired from the desire of having the Robot Legions have a new background and a change from their source material from another franchise to be their own unique lore.



OPR Writing Jam #6 - Catechism of the Wraiths.pdf 420 kB


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That was extremely interesting to read, unfortunately I found it hard to identify the central conflict and how each character/faction was positioned. Would love to read more of this vision of the Robot Legions!

Right definitely is dropping the reader into the middle of a story. The only time available to me for the submission was between two World Cup games so I focused on having clean writing that allowed others to fill enough of the blanks in but can easily expand at a later time some more exposition. Thanks for reading!